Artlit Writing Studio

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Long, whimsical night at Munich's Hotel Mariandl

Lullaby, installation by Armenian artist Veronica Burnuthian.

Parking my bike outside the Hotel Marinadl, walking into the old but well-kept building, I wasn’t sure what to expect.

I found everything from charming, to unsettling, to funny and the night wasn’t long enough to take it all in.

The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store. Twelve rooms across the hotel Mariandl’s three floors have been occupied by the site-specific work of 12 artists. The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store.

The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store.

The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store. The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store.

The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store.

Lullaby, installation by Armenian artist Veronica Burnuthian.

The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store.

The Long Night at The Museum is always a surprise, when over 100 venues in Munich open their doors to engage with the public in exciting new ways. This would end up being the highlight of my night, as I went ‘venue-hopping’ between the city’s galleries, museums, cafes and even churches, seeing what surprises they had in store.

ليلة طويلة غريبة الأطوار في فندق مارياندل في ميونيخ

ركنت دراجتي خارج فندق مارينادل، ودخلت المبنى القديم الذي يتم الاعتناء به جيدًا، ولم أكن متأكدًا مما يمكن توقعه. لقد وجدت كل شيء ساحرًا، ومثيرًا للقلق، ومضحكًا، ولم تكن الليلة طويلة بما يكفي لاستيعاب كل ذلك.

Unsent Parcel, installation by Korean artist Ju Young Kim.

تعتبر الليلة الطويلة في المتحف مفاجأة دائمًا، عندما يفتح أكثر من 100 مكان في ميونيخ أبوابه للتفاعل مع الجمهور بطرق جديدة ومثيرة. كان هذا هو الحدث الأبرز في ليلتي، حيث كنت أتنقل بين صالات العرض والمتاحف والمقاهي وحتى الكنائس في المدينة، لأرى المفاجآت التي تخبئها.

تعتبر الليلة الطويلة في المتحف مفاجأة دائمًا، عندما يفتح أكثر من 100 مكان في ميونيخ أبوابه للتفاعل مع الجمهور بطرق جديدة ومثيرة. كان هذا هو الحدث الأبرز في ليلتي، حيث كنت أتنقل بين صالات العرض والمتاحف والمقاهي وحتى الكنائس في المدينة، لأرى المفاجآت التي تخبئها.